Blog Index
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Thomas Rogers, Borough of Rumson- Chairperson

W. Bryan Dempsey, Borough of Spring Lake- Secretary

Thomas Nolan, Borough of Brielle

Anthony Mercantante, Township of Middletown

Laurie Roth, Borough of Allentown

Jonathan Capp, Township of Marlboro

Jeffry Bertrand, Township of Wall

James Gant, Borough of Red Bank, Alternate # 1

Donna Phelps, Borough of Oceanport, Alternate #2



Claims Review

W. Bryan Dempsey, Borough of Spring Lake

Jeffry Bertrand, Township of Wall

Jonathan Capp, Township of Marlboro

Laurie Roth, Borough of Allentown

William Keeler, Borough of Sea Bright

Thomas Nolan, Borough of Brielle

Peter Valesi, Township of Freehold

Chris Cherbini, Borough of Shrewsbury

James Gant, Borough of Red Bank

Robert Bengivenga, Township of Hazlet



W. Bryan Dempsey, Borough of Spring Lake

Anthony Mercantante, Township of Middletown

Thomas Nolan, Borough of Brielle



Jonathan Capp, Township of Marlboro

W. Bryan Dempsey, Borough of Spring Lake

Thomas Nolan, Borough of Brielle

Peter Valesi, Township of Freehold



Jonathan Capp, Township of Marlboro- Chairperson

Peter Valesi, Township of Freehold


Rules & Contracts

W. Bryan Dempsey, Borough of Spring Lake

Jeffry Bertrand, Township of Wall

Peter Valesi, Township of Freehold

Donna Phelps, Borough of Oceanport


Executive Safety and Risk Management Compliance

Jonathan Capp, Township of Marlboro

Laurie Roth, Borough of Allentown

Carol Baran, Borough of Brielle

Peter Valesi, Township of Freehold

Kevin Abernathy, Township of Millstone


EPL Claims Review

Jonathan Capp, Township of Marlboro

Jeffry Bertrand, Township of Wall

James Gant, Borough of Red Bank


MEL Representative- Thomas Nolan
                 Alternate- Thomas Rogers

Residual Claims Representative- Thomas Nolan
                                   Alternate- Thomas Rogers

EJIF Representative- Thomas Nolan
                Alternate- Thomas Rogers

Cyber JIF Representative- James Gant
                        Alternate- TBD